HealthHub Finland to Take Part in Geospatial Challenge Camp Innovation Event



A new kind of innovation event, the Geospatial Challenge Camp, was officially launched at the end of September. The theme of this year’s challenge camp is health and well-being.

At the launch event, the theme as well as various related data sets, open-source solutions, and computing environments were introduced. Over the coming weeks, teams of researchers and students will work on solutions to several challenges. The results will be presented in early December.

Concrete challenges for the teams will be provided by Varha – The wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland and HealthHub Finland. Leena Setälä, Strategy Director of Varha, presented possible challenges that can be solved with the help of geospatial data in the Southwest Finland Wellbeing Region. The presentation was intended to highlight current challenges in healthcare to the groups and inspire them to solve the challenges in different ways. HealthHub Finland EDIH was also involved in giving the presentation and participants in the challenge will have the opportunity to consult HealthHub Finland experts as the challenge progresses.

Learn more: Research teams develop new solutions for the health and well-being sector in ten weeks  – Location Innovation Hub