HealthHub Finland EDIH Clinics: free expert consultations now available



HealthHub Finland is introducing a new service: free expert consultation clinics including needs analysis and service matching to create a unique service package for the customer. The consultation sessions aim to assist healthcare industry customers in overcoming challenges and achieving their goals in data-based health technology innovations.

In every session, a group of HealthHub Finland experts conduct an initial evaluation and provide support in various areas of expertise. The consultation group consists of professionals with expertise in areas such as clinical research, commercialisation, data and regulations, matchmaking, and patient involvement, as well as design and development.

“What makes the clinic unique is the diverse background and expertise of HealthHub Finland EDIH experts. The experts represent different regional health and technology ecosystems across Finland, which enables the customers to identify potential services outside their local region”, explains Henrik Honkanen, Project Coordinator of HealthHub Finland.

We organise online clinics and physical, also called HealthHub Finland EDIH Pop-up Clinics. Pop-up clinics are usually held at local events all over Finland.

You can find a pop-up clinic near you here. Be sure to book a time slot!